I deserve nothing less than FullBody Wealth.

Wealth Embodiment isn’t repeating money affirmations, buying all the things you can’t stop thinking about and then going places that are luxurious and fancy just to be around rich people. 

Wealth Embodiment is the intimate journey of coming home to and being your highest, wealthiest self.

It’s a full body experience.


To have a wealth mindset your thoughts,
feelings, and energies must align with abundance.

To embody wealth you have to connect to,
appreciate, and feel safe in your body AND with money.

To create wealth you have to be in and
do your best to maintain the energy of success and receiving.

To expand your wealth
you must be committed to the well-being of your soul.

It’s a deep journey within, and it is the direction I’m taking us in my newest group wealth embodiment program.


This is a 10 week sacred healing container where we get to do the deeply impactful work of dismantling damaging social constructs and industry standards around your body, your physical appearance, movement, success, and wealth helping you fully embody your most authentic and wealthiest self.

FullBody Wealth is for...
  • The soul who is eager to deconstruct the conditioning and patterns around thoughts or beliefs of unworthiness, shame, the body, and the physical appearance in relation to success and wealth.
  • The soul who deeply desires to transmute that toxic pattern of comparison, self criticism, doubt, and judgment that ultimately leads to not taking action towards their vision.
  • The soul who desires to create an abundance so radical and so all-encompassing that it shows up in all areas of their life, in every cell of their being, through every ounce of their body, and within the depths of their soul.
  • The soul who craves an abundance that authentically embodies the truest essence of who they really are.
  • The soul who deeply longs to create a wealth that nourishes the well-being of their mind, body, and soul and is the truest expression of feeling good.
  • The soul who knows with every fiber of their being that true wealth is an act of service and is powered by unconditional love. It’s about widespread impact through service, love, deeply loving and accepting themselves and others NOW, not when or if.
  • The soul who is excited to turn the faucet of abundance on through being in the energy of moving and honoring their body where it is, embodying their values and truly living their soul purpose. NO MATTER WHAT.
  • The soul who is ready to create wealth during an inside out, entire being, full body experience.
  • The soul who is no longer willing to wait to dig even deeper into their healing and embodiment work because they know that sustainable wealth the result of this work.

If this is you, KEEP READING.

FullBody Wealth will be 4 weeks long and includes:
βœ“ An Opening and Closing Ceremony
βœ“ 4 pre-recorded modules and coinciding workbooks
βœ“ 2 Embodiment workshops
βœ“ 2 Group Healings

Hi! I’m Ruthie Cease, a Business + Wealth Embodiment Coach, Digital Course Creator, Usui Holy Fire III Reiki Master Teacher, and SoulFlow™ Facilitator.

help powerhouse, heart-led coaches and entrepreneurs with business strategies and energetic strategies that keep them in their bodies while their business is exploding. Together we team up to create sales, launch and energetic strategies that support a regulated nervous system. This deep, expansive work she facilitate with clients guides them through an internal transformation that equips and empowers them to take their business + success into their own hands so they can launch and run their business from a place of grounded energy, reduce rollercoaster results and blows up their bank account.

It is my mission to create spaces that encourage and give the opportunity to explore and build intimacy with the self, the body, and the relationship of money and self-worth to create true full-body wealth.

I can't wait to work with you!

"I'm a client of Ruthie Cease and I've been working on application of starting my day in embodiment and ending my day in embodiment, and when I'm in my day and my energy gets low I do a specific practice to shift and its helping sooo much. Ruthie is amazing really"

Sonya Federici
Energy Coach and Reiki Master, Owner of Inner Harmony Reiki

"Working with Ruthie has opened doors I didn't know were possible. I went from a struggling single mom, stuck in a rut and drowning in my lack mindset, to now being a successful business owner doing the work I LOVE and experiencing life from a completely different perspective. The combination of mindset work mixed with embodiment - it's the real game changer! Since knowing Ruthie, I've opened my own business, paid off significant debt, and have more than doubled my income in the past few months. You need this in your life!"

Jenna Streepy
Online Business Manager & Virtual Assistant, Owner of Task Magic LLC

"The Secret, and so many other manifesting tools (not bashing them, just saying something was missing for me) didn't address this the same way. I've never been shown how to heal like this before. I'm so grateful. "

Anne E.

"In 2018, I was really struggling financially and I wanted to heal my money shit so that I could receive more. While working with Ruthie, I was able to increase and grow my business, tripling my sales within a month or two of working together, but also gaining a deeper sense of who I am. Ruthie taught me the importance of forgiveness, healing, and love in my life and I know that it was that work that I did within my relationships with others, my past and myself that healed the root of my money mindset and opened me up to receive more. Ruthie and her work changed my life and I am forever grateful for her."

Kelly M.
Spiritual Success Coach

This is what we are working to co-create in my new group container.

We are starting by working through the shit on the inside that’s creating more and more resistance instead of an overflow of wealth and abundance. What I’ve found is that the majority of our resistance gets triggered by the things on the outside, and usually through or by other people.

Others and their…
  • Appearances
  • Wardrobe
  • Accessories
  • Lifestyles
  • Relationships
  • Friendships
  • Parenting styles
  • Social media following
  • Success
  • Highlight reels
  • Wealth
  • Travel adventures
  • Wardrobe
  • Designer bags
  • Income posts
I created this container to show you that none of that shit matters when it comes to creating real, sustainable, lasting wealth. What matters most is on the inside.
What most of us don’t see is behind all the successful entrepreneurs and healers in the world is …
  • A lifetime of owning their wounds and an even deeper commitment to healing them layer by layer
  • A fuck ton of certainty, strength, and awareness
  • The courage to embody who they really are and take action from that space no matter what
  • A support system made up of people who love them deeply and remind of them of their gifts and potential every damn day
  • A therapist
  • A willingness to be Boundaried AF
  • A commitment to movement and connecting to their bodies in a way that expands their soul
  • A desire to nourish themselves with food, movement, connection, pleasure, and self expression
  • A faith and trust like no fucking other
I think you get the trend here...
Wealth and success aren’t created by spending and investing in the external. They’re created by investing in the expansion of the internal.
There was a time in my life when someone else’s life (portrayed on social media), or their body, their style, or their success would trigger me into a shame spiral. Something as small as seeing a picture of them wearing an outfit I liked would spiral my thoughts into comparison, then self judgement and me critiquing my body and telling myself I needed to lose weight, then questioning myself, then projecting judgment back out, then back to self doubt.
I would spend weeks LIVING in my head and writing stories in LEFT and RIGHT about myself, judging every decision I’d made that got me here, and questioning if I was really doing enough in my business.
And guess what would happen... stagnancy in my business, and a cycle of self destructive thoughts that never ever expanded my sales or bank account but surely stalled my impact.

All because of someone who wore an outfit I liked.

Eventually, I realized that my lack of success was a direct reflection of my lack of action and commitment to healing my guilt, shame, unworthiness. I was avoiding it all.

When I made it about all of the external, I became more disembodied and even more disconnected from who I am on a core level, why I’m here, and my desires.
Even when I found myself fully open and ready to receive, it felt hard to truly feel and embody the deep essence of wealth every day.

So I said YES to healing my shit.

It took about 4 years of deep, deep work to finally be in this place - where I'm experiencing genuine joy, happiness, and excitement for all the women I see killing the game.

It was painfully eye-opening, but what brought me back to the truth was hearing the success stories, sitting with and witnessing all my thoughts and patterns, and then CELEBRATING THEM.

Celebrating others is not very common in our society or in the coaching industry. But it brought me back into the energy of abundance. Thus creating more of a space in my body for money, abundance, overflow, love, connection and more of the same.
Other peoples’ success is a sign from the Universe of what’s possible. The light you see in others is a mirror of the light within you.
I believe so deeply that every single one of us is wired for success AND we all are made from the same essence. But the biggest difference is energy.

My energy became more and more aligned and magnetic the more healing I did, the more I accepted my body and myself, and the less I tried to fit in.

The Universe began responding to ME and my authenticity, my energy, the frequency I was embodying and the woman I was being, NOT what I was wearing, doing, or how much I weighed. Β  I want that for you too, and you get to have it all. This is the bigger, deeper muse behind FullBody Wealth.

My intention with this group program is...

  • to create healing, connection, and intimacy with self from a place of deep love and compassion
  • to hold space for the souls joining this container as we begin to dissect, understand, and transmute distorted relationships with themselves, their bodies, money, wealth, success, and self worth
  • to address bigger societal issues like body dismorphia, competition, comparison, sex appeal, movement, and food as punishment
  • to teach the concepts and tools that have helped me create wealth that leads to ultimate freedom... internally and externally
  • to create a safe space for genuine connection and cultivate a sense of community
  • to teach you the truest essence and soul of money


Here is a breakdown of the 4 phases to create FullBody Wealth:

I like to start these containers with a sacred intention setting ceremony and  introductions to create a connection and community! This will be about 90 or so minutes and so beautiful. I cannot wait for you all to meet one another and see the sisterhood unfold. 

What is it that pulls us out of our power? A disconnection from who we really are.

Module 1 is centered around redefining and reconnecting back to the truth of who we really are. I'll invite you to see where social conditioning has taken control and then to poke holes in your current value system to see if it all syncs with who you've been embodying.


This workshop will be completely focused around the reconnection and infusion of the values we uncover and realign with in module 1. I HAVE A SUPER POWERFUL ACTIVITY FOR US TO DO!

I expect this Module to bring up a lot. However, it's needed. It's why we're here. If we don't feel safe receiving IN OUR BODIES, we cannot manifest our visions.

My intention with this module is to really sink into our relationships with our bodies, exercise, food, mirrors, sex--- all things appearance and external.


I fully expect for this second module to rock the boat, so the following week we'll dive into a group healing around the Root and Sacral Chakras with the intention to feel safe in our bodies as we explore our own paths to success and wealth.

I have a passionate desire to express on every level just how much your success falls back on your authenticity and your energy.

When we fall into people pleasing patterns within the coaching industry, or social conditioning that's kept us small, or old familial patterns... we rob the world of our brilliance, our gifts, and our impact. AND we stall our own wealth expansion.

Also, addressing issues like industry obsession with sharing income, always being on brand, and needing to look a specific way to be successful or accepted in the industry.




This group healing will be focused around the Solar Plexus chakra. Taking back your power and going forth as the bold, badass you really are within...and creating success ON YOUR OWN AUTHENTIC TERMS.

I want to hone in on energy and wealth embodiment in this week's module. So we'll dive into some energetics behind your business, your brand and your presence online... but then we'll dive even deeper into how that creates a greater impact and wealth expansion.

Keeping it simple IS huge part of wealth embodiment and leadership. 


This embodiment workshop will be focused around receiving, wealth embodiment, and stepping to your next level as an EMBODIED LEADER.

This will be a 2 hour closing call to share our experiences, express gratitude and end with a sacred blessing as we all close out the container.

I cannot wait to welcome you into this container. See you inside!

XO, Ruthie - The Wealthy Soul