This is the mantra I repeated a million times over and over in the first month ever as a full time entrepreneur.
I could repeat the mantra over and over again, but deep down I didn’t feel worthy of receiving unless I worked my ass off for it. I ignored the signs of support from the Universe, all the divine guidance coming my way, and stayed in my head. I needed spiritual tools more than ever to help myself exercise faith and trust in the Universe, but I had no idea where to start.
I remember the panic attacks about where the money would come from.
I remember freaking out to my coach daily.
I remember creating something incredible and slapping a lower price on it because I knew it would sell or I would run flash sales because I was desperate.
I remember the times I would lower my prices so people would say yes and hire me.
A manic manifester.
A pusher.
A forcer.
A ball of stress.
And let me tell you, that is a big thing for me to own. But here I am.
I think you can probably relate.
Without guilt.
Without shame.
Without self judgment.
Without doubt.
Without pressure.
Without negativity.
THAT is what shifted for me: my commitment to feel good, happy, and wealthy AF always for no real reason.
I heard this download in a meditation recently…
“You cannot keep focusing on results with a “what’s in it for me mentality.”
You are here to SERVE, not sell, RECEIVE, not get, and focus on ENERGY FLOW, not cash flow.
Take the focus off of you and put it onto them, and you will always be divinely supported. Trust and have faith. Soul led leads to fully supported.
Once I realized this was my next step in my business, I asked the Universe to show me a new way. I said “Please give me a sign that there is a better way of believing and existing. Please show me things get to be different for me. I will take all I’ve done and make it into something amazing; I am willing to be the vessel.”
The Universe delivered. As usual. Ever since that moment, things have massively shifted for me....
Ever since that moment, things have massively shifted for me.
I’ve booked out my 1:1 practice.
I’ve served hundreds of women with my money courses.
I’ve held transformative retreats.
I’ve helped people heal childhood trauma.
I’ve helped people start their dream businesses.
I’ve watched women receive random amounts of money literally out of nowhere.
I’ve built a 6 figure business from home with my baby in tow.
I’ve manifested some incredible things because I’ve held the belief way past when I told myself it was coming. I made QUANTUM shifts around my beliefs and my energy.
Most people would be blown away, shocked and in disbelief that this could be their reality. Me too, that used to be me! But this time it was effortless and I remember feeling that way for a millisecond, then sliding into the energy of “OF COURSE.” What was different this time? There is no guilt. There is no shame. There is no negative feelings around it. It was easy. It felt natural. Then it hit me: this is the energy of the RECEIVING.
I invite you to operate under the firm belief that THE WORLD NEEDS ME WEALTHY.
Everyone around you, all your clients, all your students, strangers at Starbucks, clerks at Lululemon, your fav people at Soulcycle, all of these people in combination with the Universe WANT to support you. That’s not the question.
The real question is… are you open, willing and ready to receive?
Because your wealthiest self…
Because your richest self…
Because your most abundant self...
Because your most financially supported self…
…is your highest self.
This is the version of you who isn’t afraid or resistant to receiving.
This is the version of you who isn’t afraid or resistant of giving.
This is the version of you who isn’t afraid or resistant of surrendering.
This is the version of you who isn’t afraid or resistant of allowing.
Let that land in the deepest part of your fucking soul and sit with your feelings when you read that. WE NEED YOU WEALTHY. IT IS TIME TO BE READY TO RECEIVE.
Let me explain...
We need you tuned into your highest self and receiving all that you need to feel supported so that you feel good, loved, aligned, and ready to show up to do good in the world.
That’s what Ready to Receive is. It is a digital course to help you begin healing your shit with money in a new way— by embodying the version of you the world needs: your wealthiest, most fulfilled, most aligned and receptive self.
This requires you to step into a new way of being.
So if you are ready to…
Stop deflecting compliments.
Stop feeling bad about the money you make now.
Stop wishing, hoping, and waiting to be rescued.
Stop self judgment because of past money mistakes.
Stop holding grudges against previous version of you because of your debt.
Stop denying yourself of your financial desires because of fear it’ll never come.
Stop saying no to doing what you love because of money.
Stop engaging in old money stories.
Stop engaging in stagnant energy.
Stop questioning your wealthiest, richest, most abundant, and most financially supported self.
Then know that the Universe is calling you into taking a QUANTUM LEAP: embodying your wealthiest self.
Here is a breakdown of each module of the course. Each module will be delivered in the online group on Facebook, and will include homework and embodiment practices. There will be a live embodiment practice each week to teach about the practices to implement the following week!
This kind of ceremony is sacred, powerful and connecting. It will be about 60-75 minutes long and full of clear intentions for the next 12 weeks.
We will not be wasting ANY TIME at all so let's dig in right away, right? I'm all about owning your current relationship with money.
So in module 1, expect to get up close and personal with money-- like, the good, the not so exciting, the frustrating shit, and the stuff that pulls you into all those nasty fucking patterns. You will be embracing it all.
Change happens when we fully accept where we are... because if we can love what is, then we can love what's coming. And I want you to be madly IN LOVE with money.
In this module, I also share my 8 STEP MANIFESTATION PROCESS! I cannot wait!
I've heard it said that certainty creates safety, and I'm a deep believer in safety being the #1 thing that connects us to our manifestations. Meaning if we don't feel safe receiving, then we won't allow ourselves to receive.
In module 2, I will cover what it takes to create certainty in manifestation. Certainty requires TRUST.
The power of shifting is so underrated! It is something you will be practicing daily, and in the beginning possibly moment to moment. So we’re going to get intimate with this practice immediately! I am really excited for this week, because after you get clear in week 1 about your desires and the stories holding you back, you will immediately begin elevating our frequency through your willingness to remember you're so safe and that it's ok to try a new way of thinking, speaking, feeling and vibrating-- this is the beginning of the birthing process for certainty! That inner knowing guides you to open-heartedly transmute your shitty money stories, let go of all conditioning, build a new loving relationship with money with a foundation of trust, and loosen the grip on your desires as you build your faith.
Most of us forget that they are in a relationship with money. There are boundaries and standards that apply, and you get to create that.
In week 3, you will discover where you have possibly been energetically available for amazing amounts of money but also extra bills, unexpected expenses, etc. We will create a new set of standards with money and declare our new boundaries with love and grace.
Lean back, relax and trust that your desire is enough. Of course I believe there are practical things to tackle before you get to this place, but practicing being this relaxed state as much as possible is the intention! This is where it gets amazing, easy, smooth and FUN.
Learning to live as your wealthiest self right now
I believe this is the hardest part-- the part where your'e constantly HOLDING THE VISION AND THE INTENTION while sometimes experiencing energetic shit shows or fear or self doubt. But this is what we do to begin maintaining a strong foundation of faith. Feeling As If The Thing Has Happened is FAITH. It's believing before you can see it as real and that takes practice.
In week 6, we go all in. Get ready to feel majorly uncomfortable and awkward as you flex your faith muscle for the first time...only to see you knew what to do all along and that's it's actually pretty fun to find out that it's your faith that moves mountains and expands bank accounts.
This is the call where we share it all! Wins, things we overcame, struggles, joys, and all the in between! Get ready to laugh, cry and want to do it all over again.
"In 2018, I was really struggling financially and I wanted to heal my money shit so that I could receive more. The first time we talked on the phone, Ruthie blew me away with the way she saw me. She held compassion and space for me, but also called me out on patterns and beliefs I had never been able to identify. I quickly jumped into her private coaching program and learned that my financial struggles were so much more about money. Money was the symptom of something much deeper that needed to be healed. While working with Ruthie, I was able to increase and grow my business, tripling my sales within a month or two of working together, but also gaining a deeper sense of who I am. Ruthie taught me the importance of forgiveness, healing, and love in my life and I know that it was that work that I did within my relationships with others, my past and myself that healed the root of my money mindset and opened me up to receive more. Ruthie and her work changed my life and I am forever grateful for her."
"I feel so much greater for my debt. It's opened my eyes up to things I'd never even thought out!"
"I'm a client of Ruthie Cease and I've been working on application of starting my day in embodiment and ending my day in embodiment, and when I'm in my day and my energy gets low I do a specific practice to shift and its helping sooo much. Ruthie is amazing really apply this "
"The Secret, and so many other manifesting tools (not bashing them, just saying something was missing for me) didn't address this the same way. I've never been shown how to heal like this before. I'm so grateful. "